The Journey

Protecting Business’s since 2016

A genesis of best practice

Whilst working on the committee to define ISO27001, Darkscope founder Joerg Buss noticed that existing cyber security products worked by casting a wide net to find threats, mostly looking at the dark web.​

He decided that this did not solve the root problem for both companies and individuals. It also produced many false positives that took time to check and could mask actual threats.​

So, in 2015 he formed Darkscope with a mission to develop and supply focused solutions that follow threats and references to the actual business or individual.​

These threats could be from the dark web, social media in prohibited areas or any other location and with NO false positives.​

Our vision

We want to make it easier for our clients to identify their risks from the cyber world. By understanding their risks, they can mitigate or nullify the risks to their business, customers and partners.

Risk management is a vital tool in Information security, but somehow, everyone shifted to Defence management when it comes to cyber security. Instead of assessing the particular risk of a business, the industry started with defence assessments as there was no way to determine the specific cyber risk of a company. The idea of the CIRS score was born out of the realisation that assessing the defence without knowing where the threats are, is like protecting against a flood when you live in a desert – It doesn’t work.

Built independently

After 14 months of intensive research, Darkscope developed the CIRS score that allows us to determine the individual cyber risk of any business by comparing it with millions of other companies work wide, in real-time. Not only can we show the overall cyber risk, but we can also identify areas where an attack is most likely to come from. This allows customers to prioritise and optimise their defences which reduces the costs and time for the customer.

Collecting all the information needed to determine the cyber risk of a company requires a lot of people. We wanted our solution to be affordable for businesses of any size, so we had to find another solution. Machine learning and AI had made significant progress, and we started training the first models that helped us reduce the amount of manual work for our services. Today, we’re at nearly 80% automation that allows us to provide our services very cost-efficient.

End of 2018, our cyber Watchtower Service was finally ready for beta testing. Two hundred fifty thousand lines of source code and several AI models later, our backend was capable of finding, analysing, and identifying all information necessary to determine the cyber risk of a customer. Our sources span over the entire cyberspace, including the internet, news, social media, dark web, forums, chat rooms.Today, we analyse over 200 million dark web pages per week alone and countless Telegram groups, chat rooms and forums.

Industry recognition with a passion

In 2019, Darkscope got recognised and won the iSANZ award in the category Startup of the Year. In the same year, we onboarded the Gallagher Group as our first customer. Gallagher has been with us since then and followed our development closely.

iSANZ 2019/21

Information security excellence award Winner

Hi-Tech Award 2020/21

Hi-Tech innovation award for AI development

APAC Top 10 2022

Darkscope ranked among the Top 10 Cyber Security Companies

Expanding our services with recognition

We extended our offerings and announced the CyberIQ brand with CIQ360 and CyberIQ. These services allow enterprises to review partners and suppliers to determine the risk originating from the supply chain. It also offers Cyber Insurancers to understand better the state of cyber security of their customers and prospects. 2020 was also the year we were named TOP10 Cyber Security Startup in APAC and Hi-Tech Awards finalist.

2021 was an exciting year for us. We had the honour to be Hi-Tech Award finalist and extended our customer base in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and UK. With strong partners in these regions and additional functionality, Darkscope has grown considerably and is now one of the leading Cyber Intelligence providers in the world. We now rate over 5 million businesses daily and analyse over 200 million dark web pages per week. Also, our Domainwatch service examines over 200 domains every second, or 720.000 per domains hour.

The in 2021 introduced Cyber Attack Vector analysis will become an even more critical tool for businesses to streamline the cyber defence strategy. This AI-driven function allows customers to identify not only the risk but also from what direction this risk originates from. Our investments and development in AI continue, and we’re planning to release our Cyber Attack Prediction (CAP) model that allows us to predict attacks before they happen. For that, we use over 100 million data points in real-time.

Dark web pages per week
0 m +
business scored every year
0 bn +
domains scanned every second
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internet and dark web
social platforms
0 +

Meet The Team

Joerg Buss

CEO Founder

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Jhon Doe

CEO Reactive

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Gareth Evans

Co-CEO Operations

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Jhon Doe

CEO Reactive

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Industry leaders who depend on Darkscope for their cyber risk insights

We are just coming up for our anniversary using Darkscope, and reflecting on how it literally has enlightened some dark places beyond our normal security controls.

Neville R. (CTO) Gallagher Group Ltd

Marc Hasenbeck, one of the managing directors of Fruchthof Northeim, explains that DarkScope's Cyber Watchtower service was specifically chosen to ensure that the source of potential threats is identified before an attack can occur.

Mar H. (MD) Fruchthof Northeim

Appreciate the super-responsive support and service you provide. Integrating Darkscope was, from a risk point of view, very easy as it does not interface or connect into our environment. Darkscope's service is entirely based on data that is found in cyberspace.

Dianne B. (Security Manager) Fidelity Life Assurance

The report is written in such a way that it targets the key questions management and governance have, lists specific issues found, suggesting appropriate remediation. This is done in quite a good way so as not to overwhelm those unfamiliar with security concepts but provide enough information to understand the risks.

Mikhael S. (ICT Leader) West Coast Regional Council

Contact Us

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